Sampling Equipment

Here are pictures of some of the sampling equipment we use out here on the R/V Lake Guardian.

Board Chemistry Instruments

(Upper Left = Alkalinity pH probe, Upper Middle = pH meter, Upper Right = Conductivity meter, Lower Left = Turbidity meter)

Hood area where we preserve water for nutrient analysis and prepare water for Dissolved Oxygen analysis.

Rosette bottles - Bottle used for collecting water

Casting the Rosette

Retrieving the Rosette

The instrument on the bottom of the rosette takes readings such as Dissolved Oxygen, Temperature, Depth, and Chlorophyll.

Collecting water samples from the rosette


Beth said...

Great pictures Jackie! I can't believe all of the winter weather that has been following you around! The snow storm trapped me in Traverse City for two days. Lou was able to get out OK. She told me to tell you hi! said...

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